Dog Microchipping | Pet Chip Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer

Pet Microchipping

A microchipped pet is a safe pet.

Each year, thousands of pets go missing, and many don’t make it back home. Many pets (especially indoor pets) don’t wear collars or tags. Even if your pet wears a collar and identification tag, collars can break off and tags can become damaged and unreadable, so these forms of identification may not be enough to ensure your pet’s safe return. Your pet needs a form of identification that is reliable and can’t get lost, stolen, or damaged. A microchip is a safe, simple form of identification that can significantly increase the chance that your pet will return safely. 

At St. Charles Veterinary Clinic, we provide the HomeAgain microchip because of its unique benefits and “extras” that come from using this respected company.

Visit their website at to find out about this membership. 

Young puppies and kittens can receive microchips, but even if your pet is already an adult, you should consider microchipping. Even indoor pets can get outside accidentally and get lost, so if you’re relying on other forms of identification, you could be placing your pet at risk. Microchipping is a safe, effective way to help ensure your pet’s return if the unthinkable happens.

Ask us about microchipping your pet today, call us at (630) 584-7404.

Dog Microchipping

St. Charles Veterinary Clinic